Indications That Your Home Has a Damaged Sewer Pipe

A sewer pipe, sometimes called a line, is typically buried underneath your lawn. When this pipe gets damaged, it can lead to water backup in both your house and your lawn. If you experience any of these key indications, it’s likely you have a damaged sewer pipe that needs to be repaired by a professional plumbing expert.

Sewer backups in the home are not a pleasant site. These start to occur in the drain that is at the lowest point in your home. So, your basement toilets, showers, and faucets are going to backup before the other floors of your home. If you are strictly dealing with one area of your home, such as a single toilet, that consistently has backup problems, it’s more likely the issue is in the pipe closest to the toilet. If you experience multiple backups throughout your home, it’s an indication of a sewer pipe problem. In either instance, you should be phoning your trusty plumber to come take care of the problem before it gets worse.

We’ve all smelled sewer gas before and you know it’s not very pleasant. If you start to smell that familiar odor in or around your home, it’s time to call a plumber. This is one of the first signs that something is damaged in your sewer line and letting spillage seep out. It’s advised that you contact an experienced plumber to perform your sewer repair as the crack or leak could be located in any of a number of places along your piping systems.

If you notice mold or brown spots on your ceilings, floors, or walls, it’s an indication that you have a sewer breach somewhere along the line. These spots will give you a great indication of where the line is broken at. In most cases, you’re going to need a plumber to repair the leak and a contractor to fix the tinted wall. It’s always recommended that you call in an expert to deal with any mold issues as mold can have a drastically negative effect on the respiratory system.

You should be monitoring the look of your yard regularly so that you can identify when problems occur. Considering the fact that your sewer line runs underneath your lawn, when it’s damaged on the outside of your home it will give off key indicators. Some of the most common are indentations and overly lush patches of grass. When the damage lets sewer waste leak out of the pipes, it will saturate the soil and cause it to sink down. You’ll be able to notice indentations and uneven slopes in your lawn that weren’t there before. Also, when you see overly lush patches of green grass it’s likely the leaking sewage has been acting as a fertilizer.

Sewer lines are what carry waste out of our homes. Unfortunately, when they’re not operating properly due to a damaged or crack line, it can provide some unpleasant side effects. If you are experiencing any of the key indications above, you should be getting on the phone with your local plumbing expert today to remedy the situation before it gets even worse.