How to Conserve Energy When Heating or Cooling Your Home

Heating and cooling account for a lot of the energy your home uses. That doesn’t mean you must continue to waste energy. If you can conserve it, then you can save money, increase your home’s value, and be just as comfortable. By insulating the ceiling, roof, floors, and walls, you can improve the heating and cooling in your home and use less energy. Your HVAC system won’t have to work as hard to reach the desired set temperature.

Conserving Energy with Heating

Sealing any drafts around doors and windows will help to use less energy to heat your home. Weather strips are available for just a few dollars. They block any air from coming in or getting out. Also, if you’re not using the bathroom or laundry room, close the door. Close any door to a room with a permanently open vent or window as well.

Natural sunlight is the best heater you can have, even in the winter. Open the curtains to let light in; it will brighten the interior and make things warm and cozy without raising the thermostat. Insulated windows are a good idea as well, especially those that are double-glazed. Other tips for energy-conscious heating include adding rugs/carpets to timber or slab floors and using vent and down light covers to stop heat from rising into the ceiling.

Conserving Energy with Cooling

The season has a lot to do with how you heat and cool your home. In the summer, heat entering through windows can reduce the efficiency of your air conditioning system. Now is when you want to shade windows from the sun, using eaves, roller blinds, or awnings on north-facing walls. Window films can also reduce solar heat gain; you can even have them added to your existing glass.

You can also conserve energy by letting in cool evening breezes. A tree outside the house can shade the windows and walls, and even prevent heat from getting in via the roof. Open low windows to let breezes in, and high windows to let hot air escape, to take advantage of natural airflow. You’ll also want to move any obstacles that are impeding the flow of cool air inside.

Operate Your Heater or Air Conditioner Efficiently

Follow all recommendations for conserving energy. These range from where an air conditioner is positioned to the exact temperature range of a room during a particular season. Also, follow instructions on cleaning filters, which greatly improves airflow and efficiency. Following all instructions from the equipment manufacturer regarding maintenance will also enable you to conserve energy when heating and cooling your home any time of the year. You may even save beyond the deals on fuel from ThinkHeat propane.